We’re committed to our mission of finding new treatments that may help improve the lives of people with cancer. Our clinical trials for gynecologic cancer study investigational medications alone, or in combination with other study medications, or standard of care therapy. We perform these trials to see if they can help prevent, find, or treat cancer.
Gynecologic Cancers are types of cancer that begin in a woman’s reproductive organs. There are various types of gynecologic cancers including those listed below.
Cervical Cancer starts in the cervix. Most cervical cancers are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
Ovarian Cancer may begin in the ovaries or it can start in the fallopian tubes. Survival rates are very good with early diagnosis. However, early diagnosis is not likely.
Endometrial Neoplasm is cancer of the mucous lining of the uterus. This is the most common cancer in the uterus.
Peritoneal Neoplasm is a rare cancer that develops on a thin layer that lines the abdomen, and sometimes the uterus. It can be treated in much the same way as ovarian cancer.
Fallopian Tube Cancer is another rare cancer. It begins in the fallopian tubes that connect the uterus and ovaries.